Poetry Corner
My Dark Prince | Come Back to Me | Always Hate Me | I Miss My Best Friend | The Phone Call | Forgive Me | I Cried Today | The Forgotten | Secrets | Best Friends? | Nothing Without You


 The Phone Call 

Have you ever sat down in your room and looked down at a blank sheet of paper? You then put your pen to the paper and begin to write? Sometimes you dont even know what your writing about or what you want to say. You just start writing. Hoping that whatever the out come on that piece of paper will take you away. Take you away from reality and everything that is happening in your life that you cant handle or that you just simply dont want to deal with. It happens to me all the time, and actually Im doing that right now. Just writing. About what, I dont know. But I do hope that it will take me away for just a few moments and make me forget about everything. And sometimes when writing doesnt help and you dont know what else to do. Dont you just start walking outside? You dont even know where youre going or how long youll stay, but you walk anyway. In hopes that youll find something exciting or interesting. Or maybe youll just walk to think and you stumble onto a great place where no one else is around, and you can go there and feel like youre the only person on earth. At least until you have to go back home and back to life that you dread. I do that a lot sometimes too. And you go to call a friend, your best friend, to talk to them because you know that theyre always there to listen to you. But this time, you remember, they're not. And its that exact moment that youre sucked back into harsh reality. And remember that morning you go that phone call. "Im sorry, but shes dead."