I remember how we used to fly through the clouds Every night of my child hood Youd come to visit Taking my away from harsh reality With you I could be free Its all so vivid I can hardly remember now But I miss you And eagerly await your next visit You never come Is it because I have grown? Because when you grow You stop believing? I have never stopped believing Or is it because I have forgotten About our times together? I need you in my life again Take my away from this world Let me ride on your back As you fly through clouds Making me forget about my problems Let me be free
 This poems about a child hood dream I used to have about a unipeg. He'd come to visit me a lot, and we'd go a fly through the clouds. He had a name, but i can't remember it. And we used to talk about all kinds of things. And I remember every night before I woke up, I'd dismount him and he would say:- "I have to go visit another little girl or boy now."